Senate Bill 587 Requires New Plumbing Fixtures

Dripping FaucetThe above bill residential and commercial real property built before January 1, 1994 to replace plumbing fixtures that are not water conserving.  On or after January 1, 2014 all alterations or improvements to single-family residential property require water conserving plumbing fixtures to replace other noncompliant fixtures as a condition for issuance of a certificate of final completion and occupancy or final permit approval by the local building department  A state mandated local program would be instituted to ensure compliance  The bill requires that all non compliant plumbing fixtures in a single-family residential real property shall be replaced by the property owner  with water-conserving fixtures.

The same terms would apply to multi-family residential real property and commercial property–in that all water conserving plumbing fixtures  would have to be installed before January 1, 2019.  On or after January 1, 2014 for specified building alterations or improvements the multifamily property would require the replacement of water-conserving plumbing fixtures as a condition for certificates of final completion an occupancy.

The bill also requires that on or after January 1, 2017 that a seller or transferor of single-family residential and real property , or commercial real property disclose to a purchaser or transferee, in writing specified requirements for replacing plumbing fixtures and whether the real property includes noncompliant plumbing.